By Dave Zinczenko and Matt Goulding
If there’s one lesson to learn from the supermarket, it’s that the front of the package never tells the whole story. When researching the "Eat This, Not That! Supermarket Survival Guide," we spent a lot of time investigating the pantries of average Americans.
What we found inside the cupboards and refrigerator doors were foods rich with the healthy buzzwords of the day: multigrain bread, fat-free yogurt, and all-natural granola. While these might seem like the virtuous foods you should be bringing home to your family, many of these are the exact foods that are silently sabotaging the diets and expanding the waistlines of millions of Americans each year.
Here’s the good news: By hunting down just three health food imposters cluttering your cabinets and ice boxes and replacing them with truly nutritious foods, you could lose over 25 pounds this year alone - without changing any of your other eating habits.
We’ve highlighted 11 of the worst not-so-healthy health foods in the supermarket and supplied you with a list of first-class foods you should be eating instead.